At what age do children attend kindergarten or young 5s? In the state of Michigan, children who turn five by September 1 are eligible for kindergarten/Young 5s (placement determined by Kindergarten Readiness Screener). Children who turn five September 1 through by December 1 are given the option of attending preschool or kindergarten/Young Fives with a waiver if they are able to show school readiness based on Kindergarten Readiness Screener.
How is Young Fives different from preschool? The standards, curriculum and teaching requirements in Young Fives is different from preschool. Young Fives is based on the Michigan Department of Education Kindergarten Standards. The program builds on the skills children may have learned in preschool to ensure they will be able to begin kindergarten with confidence.
How is Young Fives different from traditional kindergarten? The Young Fives curriculum is based on kindergarten standards modified to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of younger children. The Young Fives environment includes more opportunities for social, emotional, language development, and communication through academic play, small group instruction, and intentional teaching through hands-on activities.
What is the length of the Young Fives school day? Young Fives is a full-day program that follows the regular school calendar.
Does Young Fives support children who do not speak English? English learners in Young Fives have the same level of services as those in kindergarten.
Is there a charge to attend Young Fives? Young Fives is free and open to all age-eligible children residing in Huron School District or entering through School of Choice.
What kinds of qualifications do Young Fives teachers have? Young Fives teachers are required to have a professional teaching certificate, just like kindergarten teachers.
What grade will children go into after Young Fives? Young Fives is the first year of a two-year kindergarten experience. Children will go to kindergarten after completing Young Fives.